AWS Services

Vimware stands distinguished as one of the select AWS Consulting Partners, boasting the expertise to develop, deploy, and manage advanced cloud architectures on AWS. Our rich history encompasses over a hundred successful client engagements, including DevOps projects, cloud application development, and infrastructure migrations.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a vast range of over 200 services, enabling businesses to elevate their digital infrastructure. At Vimware, our hands-on experience extends to more than 50 AWS services. We take particular pride in our specialization in AWS CloudFront and AWS EC2, for which we have earned AWS service delivery designations. AWS CloudFront, an efficient CDN, allows businesses to rapidly and securely deliver content globally, enhancing user experience by reducing latency. AWS EC2 provides scalable compute capacity in the cloud, supporting a wide range of applications with its versatile instance types and pay-as-you-go pricing. Our deep knowledge in EC2 and CloudFront equips us to provide exceptional support and guidance for businesses leveraging these AWS services.

Leading our AWS team is an AWS Certified Solutions Architect, ensuring that every project benefits from top-tier expertise and strategic insight. This leadership is instrumental in delivering solutions that align precisely with client needs and AWS best practices.

Our AWS-certified team of engineers, architects, and developers represents the pinnacle of proficiency and skill in Amazon Cloud. Engaging with Vimware means accessing a team committed to excellence in cloud solutions.

Our AWS Cloud professional services include:

  • Efficient migration of infrastructure and applications to AWS from any source, including internal data centers or other cloud providers like Azure, Google Cloud, Heroku, and Rackspace.
  • Deployment and development of new infrastructure and applications on AWS.
  • Building and scaling resilient cloud applications.
  • Enhancing your IT and operations with our cloud-managed services.
  • Implementing cloud security, governance, and compliance best practices.

Services delivered by our AWS Certified expert team members

AWS Service Description # of Projects
Auto Scaling/Load balancers Automatically scale up or down as demand changes 16
AWS Cost Explorer AWS Cost Explorer 25
AWS Budget AWS Budgeting 20
AWS VPN Virtual private networks for secure client access 9
Backup Snapshots and centralized storage 25
Billing Billing and Usage reporting 20
Certificate Manager Provision, manage & deploy SSL/TLS certificates 20
Cloudfront Minimizes latency globally 20
CloudTrail AWS account logs 25
CloudWatch AWS monitoring and alerting 25
CloudFormation Create and manage resources with IAC templates 24
CodeBuild Build & test code 15
CodeCommit Private Git Repository 20
CodePipeline Continuous delivery 25
CodeStar Develop & deploy apps 2
Cognito Create user accounts for sign in 10
Directory Service Domain directory service 5
DocumentDB Managed document database using MongoDB 2
DynamoDB Managed NoSQL database 2
EC2 Spin up virtual servers 35
ECS Container services 10
EKS Kubernetes 10
Elastic Beanstalk Run & manage web applications 8
EFS File System 15
Elastic Search Service Elasticsearch as a Service 8
ELB Elastic Load Balancing 25
Gateway API endpoints using Lambda 10
Glacier Low-cost archive storage 8
Glue Move data between database and archive 5
IOT Internet of Things 3
Kinesis Used for WAF logs management 9
Lambda Serverless function calls 28
Mechanical Turk Human intelligence tasks 1
IAM User access & encryption key management 55
Lightsail Quickly deploy applications and web sites 15
Management Console Web-based user interface to manage AWS stack 30
RDS Managed database services 23
Redis Real-time database using Amazon ElasticCache 4
Redshift Database 3
Route 53 Manage DNS 40
S3 Cloud storage 45
SES Send email service 15
SNS Notification service 25
SQS Queuing Service 4
VPC Private networks 24
WAF and Shield Application firewall and security 16
WorkSpace Virtual desktops 6
Amplify Mobile frontend and backend 3
Device Farm Mobile device farms 3
Secret Manager Securly passing credentials to applications and services 5
Security Hub Security for AWS account 5
Textract Text recognition 3
Pinpoint Push notifications for mobile 2
Workmail Cloud based Email Service 10
Control Tower Central cloud administrators 3